Physician Assistant

Landing Page Forums Terminology Questions – Spanish Physician Assistant

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    • #3157

      Physician Assistant:
      The term can not be translated into Spanish literally. So, what term would convey the closest meaning to the English one? Thanks!

    • #3159

      Great question, Miriam! A group of bilingual members of the American Academy of Physician Assistants realized this dilemma about 15 years ago. They were tired of being erroneously called “asistente médico” (which as you likely know means “medical assistant” and is a completely different role). Their workgroup established the AAPA approved term “asociado medico.”

    • #3161

      Thank you, Michelle. I realize that even though the term “asociado medico” is not without its problems, it’s probably the closest it can get to the English one. Thanks again!

    • #3290
      Laura Onofre

      Physician Assitant de acuerdo con diccionario Navarro seria un (“Auxiliar Médico” Persona con 2 años de formacion superior), puede lleva a cabo la anamnesis y la exploración física del paciente, solicitar pruebas complementarias, supervisar el tratamiento y efectuar algunas intervenciones quirúrgicas menores, pero siempre bajo la supervisión de un médico.

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